The electronic reporting p CEERIS – Central and Eastern European Reporting Information System – enables vessel operators navigating in the Danube corridor and the Elbe river in Czech Republic to fulfil all reporting requirements for a specific inland waterway transport in participating countries by reporting only once with single entering of data.
CEERIS offers skippers the following benefits:
- An overview of all reporting requirements
- Creation of transport plans with multiple voyages which are defined by events such as loading or unloading of goods or passenger movements
- Sharing reporting flags with third parties (agents, cargo owners and terminal operators)
- Fast completion thanks to smart fill-in help in all prevailing languages, favourites and smart copy functions
- Well-arranged overview of all delivered reports, their status as well as all received responses
The authorities benefit from CEERIS by:
- Receiving data automatically from CEERIS
- Receiving customized reports by preferred means (GUI dashboard, email, web hook or API) in a selected format (PDF, XML, graphical template)
- Sending responses to skippers and sharing it with other authorities
Logistics partners also benefit from CEERIS:
- Vessel owners can grant logistic users reporting rights for their ship as well as access to the vessel’s voyage and transport information
- This allows logistic users to query and track the current position of the vessel together with ETA updates and cargo information
- Notifications for specific events such as receipt of ERI messages, ETA changes, stationary situations, passage of bridges and locks as well as the arrival and departure at berths can be set up
Electronic Reporting in Austria
The Austrian reporting requirements dangerous goods report and statistics report have been covered by CEERIS since 2023. The required data can thus be entered digitally in the system and reported automatically.
Dangerous goods reporting
Any transport of dangerous goods on Austrian waterways has to be reported to the lock supervision containing specific vessel, cargo and voyage related information in accordance with the provisions of Waterways Traffic Regulations §8.02, para. 1 and the ADN.
The reporting form for dangerous goods reporting can be downloaded here:
Statistical reporting
The statistics form for vessels in freight transport has to be filled out by all vessels transiting the Austrian waterway Danube. The legal basis for the survey of Inland Waterway Statistics in Austria is the national regulation BGBI. II Nr. 129/2005.
The statistics form and additional information can be downloaded here:
More detailed information of the inland waterway transport survey is available on the website of Statistik Austria.
The system facilitates an efficient and transparent electronic reporting process between the responsible reporting parties (vessel operators) and the related receiving authorities along the route of the vessel.
The international cooperation was effectuated within the RIS COMEX project that ran from 2016-2022. It was a CEF co-financed multi-Beneficiary project aiming at the definition, specification, implementation and sustainable operation of Corridor RIS Services.