Changelog for version 3.0, available from 14th November 2023:

  • Support for all current Android and iOS systems
  • Map service switched to OpenStreetMaps

Changelog for version 2.1, available from 23rd Juli 2018:

  • Display of dredging in service shallow sections
  • Minor bug fixes

Changelog for version 2.0.1, available from 11th April 2017:

  • New service: The current vertical bridge clearances were integrated (like on the DoRIS website)
  • Shallow sections: Integration of the data value "minimum depth deep channel" and improved presentation of the entire information content
  • Water levels: Optimization of graph - integration of an interactive graph + display of 5 day-forecast; integration of reference water levels for better visualisation
  • Notices for Skippers (NtS): Update to the latest data format + improved presentation of the content
  • Navigation within the app: Improved link between the position service and the individual data services
  • Push service: New push message for operators of pleasure crafts in case of exceeding the highest navigable water level (HNWL)
  • Settings: Possibility of setting a start service by the user
  • Operating Systems: necessary adjustments to iOS 10 + Android 6 (performance, design, etc.)

Display comprehensive information retrieved from the system DoRIS (Donau River InformationServices) on your mobile device and check the latest fairway information regardless of time and location. DoRIS mobile has it all!

Check out the online tutorial on YouTube.

  • Water levels
    The app gives you an overview of 9 published gauges on the Danube including latest water level, deviation to last measurement and 3 days forecast. The data is updated every 15 minutes. Additionally a hydrograph is available for each water gauge.
  • Lock status
    The app provides you with the status of both lock chambers for all 9 Austrian locks. Details comprise additional information such as reason and validity of a closure, contact details and a traffic overview showing the number of approaching and currently locked vessels.
  • Fairway condition
    The whole stretch of the Austrian Danube has been divided into several fairway sections which indicate limitations such as high water or ice.
  • Overview fairway information
    An overview of fairway information is available combined in a PDF file. It includes information on water levels, lock status, shallow sections and most up-to-date Notices to Skippers. A great possibility to save roaming costs by downloading once.
  • Shallow sections
    This important service includes actual minimum depth information, actual and forecast data that support voyage planning and a depth profile for each shallow section.
  • Notices to Skippers
    An interface for Austria and Slovakia is available. It provides the following:
    • Fairway and traffic related messages (FTM) and ice messages (ICEM)
    • Filtering of search results
    • Overview with most important information of each message
    • Detailed content display available for each message
    • Information on the location and period of limitation in a map
  • Position service
    The user gets his/her own position as well as all information displayed on a map. Different information layers can be activated or deactivated using the filter option. Each point of interest (POI) shows the latest information and allows the user to directly switch to the related service with one click only.
  • Push service
    The app includes a push service which notifies the user when important changes in the availability of the fairway occur. For the services lock status and fairway condition, the user gets notified if a lock is completely closed or if at least one fairway section is closed.


The app was specifically developed for Smartphones. Therefore it is necessary to search for iPhone apps in the Apple iTunes Store to install DoRIS mobile on the iPad.

This project was co-financed by the European Union in the framework of Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).